Trae Drake, MA

Performance Breathwork Coach and Mindfulness Teacher

It is no measuer of health to be well-adjusted to a sick society.”


Read my story.

My Story:

For as long as I can remember, my passion has been teaching and helping other people. I spent nearly 20 years in the field of Behavior Analysis overseeing the treatment of children on the autism spectrum, and treating a variety of other childhood behavioral disorders. I eventually left that field to teach law enforcement, military, and civilians how to defend themselves using Krav Maga. I continue in that endeavor today, and I teach people the synergy between attentional control and breathing so that they can perform optimally in all areas of life. 

I have sought as much education as I can from a variety of organizations because I firmly believe that each of them offer something uniquely beneficial to me and my clients. 

Here is a list of breathing organizations I have earned certification from:

The Breathing Class with Dr Belisa Vrqnich

Breathing for Warriors by Dr Belisa Vranich

XPT Performance Breathing

Breather with Jon Paul Crimi

Life Awareness Breathwork Instructor 

Here is a list of meditation organizations I have earned certification from:

Mindful Schools 


Unified Mindfulness 

MMTCP with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield


mPEAK (Mindful Performance Enhancement and Knowledge) 

I have field tested all of the practices I share with my clients through a variety of physical and mental crucibles. In 2024, I earned a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga after 18 years of often grueling training. I have also received formal training in Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. I have completed 1 marathon and 6 Bataan Memorial Death Marches. This event consists of carrying a 50lb backpack for 26.2 miles on what is considered one of the hardest marathon trails in the US. 

My goal is to take what I have learned through these endeavors and share it with you so that you can show up in the world as the most skillful and healthy version of yourself.