Manny Osaseri, MS, LAT, CES, CEAS

Movement Specialist

The body doesn’t know age, it only knows movement.

-Manny Osaseri

Read my story.

My Story:

In early 2012, my parents were on the verge of retirement and had the desire to begin living healthier lifestyles. One of the things they decided to do was join a gym. The problem, however, was that, like many others worldwide, they didn’t know where to begin. It was at this moment that I knew I could make a difference in people’s lives. I learned that it wasn’t just about having the desire to exercise but about having adequate resources. That year, I decided to become an online resource for those who need a “Healthy Lifestyle” guide.

A few years later, I suffered an ACL tear while playing basketball. For the first time ever, I was unable to physically do what I enjoyed. Despite my studies in Sports Medicine and training dozens of individuals, for the first time, I was a client needing help. However, this experience allowed me to nurture the same skills that I use today to motivate clients: empathy, patience, small steps, goal orientation, and consistency.

Furthermore, this experience helped me realize that true fitness is relative to the physical activities that we enjoy. It's difficult to enjoy an activity that causes us pain. Pain causes immobility (since it hurts to move), and immobility leads to increased inflammation. Inflammation leads to a lack of range of motion, and it's not long before our body "loses" this movement all together. For this reason, I look at fitness and movement as more of a journey than a goal.

Furthermore, this experience inspired my Grad School Thesis, “Increasing Student Participation in the Student Recreation Center.” When done correctly, movement is the best rehab and prehab, and I love helping people feel good about themselves again. My background in athletic training, Ergonomics, and Corrective Exercise has enabled me to work with high school, college, and pro-level athletes, as well as general populations. However, regardless of the individual, my goal is always the same: build healthy habits that create lasting change.

When I'm not helping individuals, I enjoy spending quality time with my wife and family. I couldn’t do what I do effectively without their love and support. My favorite pastimes include playing basketball, hiking, traveling, and working on video projects.