Lauren Turner

Aspiring Nutrition Coach, Student at ACHS

Social Media Support

My Story:

A picnic changed the trajectory of my life. 

I have known that my life's purpose is to help people since I was a young child. I wasn't sure in what capacity that would be, and I never could've imagined being on my current path. A lot of my family members work in the medical field, and being young and adventurous, I didn't ever want to go into that career field. I wanted to break the mold, venture out, and do something different.

I settled on the F.B.I. Throughout high school, I took law classes and forensic science, joined Skills U.S.A., and did many things that aligned with the profession I was determined to pursue. That was until I attended a job shadow day at my local police office. At one point in the day, they partnered us up and had us do pressure points on each other. Pressure points are their way of using "light" force on non-compliant citizens.

I stood behind my partner in position, but I looked at the officer and said, "I don't want to hurt him," to which the officer yelled back, "How are you going to shoot someone if need be if you can't do this?" I froze and immediately knew this was not the job for me. 

I greatly respect the career, but it did not suit my heart. At this point, I was halfway through high school and felt like I had wasted valuable time on a career that wasn't for me. 

I was starting to apply for college and didn't even know what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up going back to my roots and applying to nursing schools. It felt like it could be suitable for me since it worked out for my mom and other family members. However, the further I got into the program, I still wasn't satisfied. 

I decided to take a gap year and figure out what I was meant to do. About halfway through this gap year and with zero progress in figuring out what to do next, Sadie invited me to a picnic in her front yard. On that picnic, which will forever be a pivotal moment in my life, she held space for me to discuss my fears, hopes, and dreams and explain what she does as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. 

That moment is where it all clicked. I wanted to be a part of health care, not sick care. 

Now, I am proud to say I am working on my degree in holistic nutrition. Each day, I learn new things, and it affirms that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that I am doing the work I was made for. 

I'm so honored and excited to join the Foundational Wellness Solutions Team! 

My goal is to help people become who they have always wanted to be. People can be healthy but not at their optimal well-being. 

I believe we can bring your life into the right balance with the proper support and guidance!