Cristina Basquez, NTP

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Our family will encounter many challenges, but we can set them up for success by fortifying their bodies and mind. By giving them the best food that is nutrient dense and beautifully balanced they will thrive the way they are meant to.

-Cristina Basquez

Read my story.

My Story:

When I graduated college, I began working for a pharmaceutical company. I remember learning about different conditions and how the medicines we were representing could help alleviate the issues. I asked the instructors why the problem was occurring to begin with? What was the cause of overactive bladder, or cardiovascular problems? Why could we not just fix what was causing the problem instead of medicating people? As you can imagine my questions were not welcomed.

 Twenty years later I began my nutritional therapy journey by just wanting to lose some weight. I was uncomfortable with my body and had enough. Just as many other women. It was through the work that I noticed all the other problems my body was dealing with that I just passed off as normal aging. My joints were hurting, I had serious brain fog, daily stomach pain, constipation and general malaise. My nutritional therapist began educating me on how the things I ate affected my body.

 As a mom I noticed certain behaviors in my children that I knew could be changed. My oldest child began having anxiety, depression, stomach pain whereas before everything had been fine. We took him to see different doctors that put him on medication that made him aggressive and even more depressed. With nutritional therapy and diagnostic testing, we uncovered so many things that all the doctors had missed. My son is a healthier, happier boy who although is still on the path of healing, has come so far. Don’t get me wrong he is still a moody 11-year-old that drives me crazy, but at least I know that it’s a part of his personality and not disease.

 I have been where you are. I know what it’s like to put yourself on the back burner. To wait until you finish taking care of everyone else before you can focus on yourself and even then, you’ll make another excuse to wait until next time. Your time is now. Take back your health! Put yourself first and while you learn and feel better it will extend to your family. Everyone can start to feel better.